A Message from Bishop Anthony
The Jubilee Year 2025 calls us to rediscover the centrality of Jesus Christ in our lives and to deepen our relationship with Him, not as a distant figure, but as the Door through which we enter into the fullness of life.
As the community of the Church in Broken Bay, our mission, then, is to open that door to all, inviting everyone into the embrace of Jesus, experience His saving mercy, and know His transformative love.
This means that we have the unique opportunity, as “Pilgrims of Hope,” to discover anew our own participation as workers in Christ’s vineyard. Renewed by the grace of the Holy Year, we take up the invitation to evangelise with hope and vigour, offering a witness to all the ends of the earth of the life-giving Word of the Gospel. As we pray in the Jubilee Prayer: “May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.”
We are called to carry the message of Jesus Christ to the furthest corners of the earth, proclaiming those “treasures of heaven,” and remembering also our own communities who have yet to hear the Good News. Such dialogue is not a passive activity, but an active, missionary engagement with the world.
May this Holy Year be a time of joy, renewal and hope for you and your families.